
UCT Alumni, vote to promote the principles of liberty on the UCT Council!
Apr 18, 2024

Elections for UCT's Council are open until 23 April 2024. There are 4 nominees who stand for the principles of liberty, most importantly free speech and association. Such principles are foundational to any university currently, and the past decade has seen a whittling down of these crucial, unassailable principles. UCT Alumni, vote now!

The common law crime of defamation has been abolished!
Apr 10, 2024

South Africa has followed a trend in the democratic world to repeal the common law crime of defamation. Governments and leaders can use it to punish criticism and insults. But, is the government banking on the Hate Speech Bill to do some of the work of criminal defamation?

A frightening blow to science and free speech
Feb 25, 2024

A climate scientist sued a layman for defamation claiming that he had damaged his career and reputation with his articles mocking his scientific claims. The scientist won and, according to Andrew Kenny, that he did was a miscarriage of justice.

2024: A message from the Free Speech Union of South Africa (FSU SA)
Jan 22, 2024

This new year's message is our view on possible challenges to free speech to watch out for in 2024. Between the national and provincial election expected in May, and legislation awaiting the president's signature to turn them into law, complacency is not an option.

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